Why Join?

Benefits to
As a member of Bachrodt PTA you get to help decide how we support our school. You get a vote in what events we sponsor, how we fundraise, and how we spend our money. You also get to know other Bachrodt families.
Additionally, many companies offer perks to PTA members. You can find a list here.
Benefits to
Students love having their parents (and other important adults) involved at their school. Did you know that parent participation is a strong indicator of student success in school? Also, the more resources and volunteers we have, the more activities and support we can provide to our students.
Benefits to our School
A strong PTA means a strong school community. When parents (and other important adults) are involved with the school PTA, the school has more resources to help its students and families. A strong school community provides a safe and supportive learning environment for students and a safe and supportive work environment for staff.
What's involved?
We ask for annual dues of $15. Part of these dues are forwarded to our state and local chapters of PTA and pay for things like insurance so that we can host events on our school campus.
We could not do what we do without volunteers, but how involved you are is up to you. There are monthly meetings, opportunities to serve on planning committees, and lots of volunteer opportunities. We know you are busy but we have many options for being involved that can fit with your life.
Who can join?
The short answer is any adult who wants to support our school can join PTA. Parents and teachers, of course, but also grandparents, aunts, uncles and even neighbors and friends.
Ready to join?
Contact us to get started!